Welcome to The Gospel According to Mum
with Tanya Reason
The Gospel According to Mum podcast hosted by Tanya Reason is a conversation that reflects on the transformational work done in us by Jesus Christ as we live out motherhood and discipleship with Him. The show shares the real-life stories of everyday Christian women as the Gospel is worked out through their experience as mothers.
It's a conversation that's relatable, non-judgmental and encouraging; a place where you can find strength and hope during a time of life when you are stretched physically, mentally and spiritually to the limit and beyond. These are the stories of the goodness, faithfulness and enduring love of God.

4 days ago
4 days ago
In Episode 19 Deep-Dive: Anger, we hear from Natalie Hixson. Natalie is a wife, and mother of three. She hosts her own podcast Motherhood Restored and is a Christian Life Coach in the US, working with mothers who are struggling to overcome destructive anger.
In this episode, Natalie and Tanya walk through Natalie's journey to recognise and deal with anger that put her and her family at risk. Everything came to a head when Natalie took her troubled child to a psychiatrist, only to be told that her daughter was perfectly normal and it was Natalie herself that needed to be in therapy. With the Lord's help, Natalie was able to overcome her destructive patterns and restore her most valuable relationships.
Natalie would love to offer you access to her Trigger Tracker as a first step towards overcoming destructive anger and becoming the fun, present, joyful wife and mum they want to be. The Trigger Tracker will help you identify your triggers, create awareness and support you in changing your mindset in response to those triggers: https://nataliehixson.com/Gospel-According-to-Mum
Scripture references:
Psalm 94:17-19
Philippians 2:13
To learn more about Natalie's story or explore working with Natalie, visit: www.nataliehixson.com
Natalie's blog can be found here: www.nataliehixson.com/blog
Natalie on Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/nataliehixson
You can find out more about the show, subscribe to us and catch up on past episodes by visiting www.thegospelaccordingtomum.podbean.com
If these stories have had a positive impact on your faith, please share the news with others. Subscribe to us on Facebook or Instagram to help spread the word about the show. Those who've known God in motherhood, and what it is to walk with Christ, have enormous scope to support those who are younger in the Way. Please consider if you can share your experience of discipleship and contact us.
Email: gospelaccordingtomum@gmail.com
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Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
In Episode 18 Deep-Dive: Unfaithfulness, we hear from Anne-Maree Choi. Anne-Maree is a wife, mother, step-mother, mother-in-law, and grandmother. She works now as a Christian Counsellor and Lifestyle Coach in private practice in Brisbane. She is also now the author of Heartbroken, yet Radiant, which shares her personal story of healing from intimate betrayal.
In this episode, Anne-Maree shares how her husband's confession of an affair sparked an 8-year trudge with the Lord faithfully at her side through incredible hurt and grief and then a process of healing. Finally, through God's amazing redemptive power and her own unwavering faithfulness, she was restored to life and the godly marriage she longed for. We look together at the nature of God's faithfulness and His call for us to bear that characteristic, as well as the destructive effect that refusing the call has on our own life and the lives of those around us.
Scripture references:
2 Timothy 2:11-13
Matthew 5:39
Isaiah 54:5
Ruth 3:10
Hosea 2:14
1 John 1:9
1 Samuel 26:23-24
To learn more about Anne-Maree’s book, visit: https://www.trilogy.tv/index.php/heartbroken-yet-radiant-a-story-of-healing-from-intimate-betrayal
Or through Anne-Maree’s website: https://www.livelightlycounselling.com.au/heartbroken-yet-radiant
You can find out more about the show, subscribe to us and catch up on past episodes by visiting www.thegospelaccordingtomum.podbean.com
If these stories have had a positive impact on your faith, please share the news with others. Subscribe to us on Facebook or Instagram to help spread the word about the show. Those who've known God in motherhood, and what it is to walk with Christ, have enormous scope to support those who are younger in the Way. Please consider if you can share your experience of discipleship and contact us.
Email: gospelaccordingtomum@gmail.com
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Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
The Gospel According to Mum Episode 17 - The beginning was His Word with Jessica Paewai
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Jessica Paewai is a mother of two, a business owner and training to be a Religious Instruction teacher.After growing up in a strict Pentecostal church in South Africa, Jessica had wandered far from God and her faith. After many years in the world, one morning, she found herself literally running to church. And yet her relationship with God remained lukewarm until the day she and her husband received the devastating news that their 3 year old son had been diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a severe and progressive muscular disorder which affects all muscles in the body, including those used for breathing and spine support. Children with DMD generally lose the ability to walk by the age of 12 years.
Jessica shares how this event brought herself and members of her family back into deep relationship with God, and how it began writing a story of both physical and spiritual healing into her life. We discuss these events and the extraordinary power that speaking the Word of the Lord can have on body and soul.
No. 30 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Cheri Floyd is a mother of three and has been serving with her husband and family in Papua New Guinea through the Wesleyan Church for over 3 decades. Cheri shares wisdom gained through her experience of motherhood both abroad and in Australia from childbirth to homeschooling and eventually, university and beyond.
She has made the Word of God her spiritual discipline and she shares how this has been woven deeply into her motherhood, her prayer life, and her understanding of what God wants from her and for her life.
Not only has Cheri been called to trust God in sometimes overwhelming circumstances as a mother, her ministry responsibilities and just living life. She also shares how God brought a blessing and surprise into their family in circumstances where such a thing seemed impossible.
No. 30 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
The Gospel According to Mum Episode 15 Part 2 - I am the beloved of God with Tanya Greig
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Wednesday Sep 27, 2023
Tanya Greig is a mother of 2 and works in school administration. She has been a Christian all her life and served in various roles including religious instruction in schools. At 36 she was diagnosed with breast cancer that began a 7-year journey into deep relationship with God.
In part 2 of this episode, we hear how Tanya's journey with cancer led her through multiple treatments and surgeries. Even after she lost and regained the ability to walk, her faith in God has continued to grow, as He led her through every trial. We discuss the surprise it still is when God shows us even a tiny portion of the love He has for us, and our very human response to His generosity.
No. 31 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Wednesday Sep 13, 2023
Tanya Greig is a mother of 2 and works in school administration. She has been a Christian all her life and served in various roles including religious instruction in schools. At 36 she was diagnosed with breast cancer that began a 7-year journey into deep relationship with God.
In part 1 of this episode, Tanya shares how her journey with God through cancer began. We begin to tease out the conflict between our reliance on the body for this life and our trust in God who sustains it and uses it for His eternal purpose. Step by step, God gently moved into the central position in Tanya's life, remarkably, revealing His life-giving power through events that seemed so destructive.
No. 31 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Wednesday Aug 30, 2023
Jodie McIver is a registered midwife and a graduate of Moore Theological College, Sydney. She is mother to 3 children and along with her husband is in ministry in the Anglican Church. Jodie is also the author of "Bringing Forth Life: God's purposes in pregnancy and birth".In part 2, Jodie and I discuss the transformation of our very identity through pregnancy and birth. We look at the importance of relationships with our spouse, family, church and community as well as our burgeoning relationship with the new member of the family. Jodie brings the term Matrescence to our conversation, the disruption to our perceived identity in motherhood and how to trust and realise the ultimate authority of God over it all.
No. 33 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Jodie McIver is a registered midwife and a graduate of Moore Theological College, Sydney. She is mother to 3 children and along with her husband is in ministry in the Anglican Church. Jodie is also the author of "Bringing Forth Life: God's purposes in pregnancy and birth".In part 1 of this episode, we discuss the driving forces behind Jodie's decision to write the book and her personal experience of giving birth for the first time. The first experiences of motherhood are not only transforming us as people but transforming the bodies we thought we knew so well. We look at the physical impact of that transformation and the deepening understanding of our body and it's value.
No. 33 on Feedspot's 60 Best Christian Mom Podcasts in 2023
Visit: www.thegospelaccordingtomum.com
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